N41- Logistics

Logistics Group Western Pacific/CTF 73 Logistics department coordinates all supply and logistics matters pertaining to 7th Fleet combat readiness. The department is responsible for logistics support planning and the management of its execution for U.S. Navy and Military Sealift Command ships attached to 7th Fleet or transiting the 7th Fleet area of responsibility.

Logistics department contacts:

Assistant Chief of Staff, Logistics
Phone: (65) 6750-2458
DSN: 315-421-2458

Logistics Operations/Plans
Phone: (65) 6750-2437
DSN: 315-421-2437

Petroleum Officer
Phone: (65) 6750-2420
DSN: 315-421-2420

Replenishment Officer
Phone: (65) 750-2426
DSN: 315-421-2426

Ordnance Officer
Phone: (65) 6750-2475
DSN: 421-2475