N6 - Communications and Information Systems
The Communications and Information Systems (CIS) Department is led by an Information Professional (IP)/1820 Officer, Electronic Key Management System Manager, Leading Chief Petty Officer, eight Information Systems Technicians (IT), and two Electronic Technicians (ET).
ACIS duties and responsibilities include:
- Plan, direct, and administer the operation of CLWP's communications center, to include UHF/HF voice systems; provide personnel system support for CLWP SCIF; serve as the regional DISA Node Site Coordinator.
- Plan, direct, and administer the CIS requirements in support of exercises Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) and Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT); deploy communications personnel to partner nations throughout Southeast Asia to support CARAT and SEACAT exercises.
- Plan, direct, and administer the CIS requirements in support of real-world, exercise, and/or Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief missions, and COMSEVENTHFLT OPLANs; deploy communications personnel to overseas locations as required.
- Manage the electronic Key Management System (EKMS) program for the CLWP staff, region, and assigned Local Elements; perform routine inventories, spot checks, and inspections on the EKMS program. Manage the Secure Telephone Equipment (STE) account for the region.
- Monitor, administer, and perform duties as system administrator for three CENTRIXS network enclaves: GCTF, CMFP, & K; monitor, administer, and perform duties as the sys admin for the Global Command & Control Systems Joint (GCCS-J) and JWICS.
- Track and monitor communications posture of Military Sealift Command (MSC) Combat Logistic Fleet (CLF) units assigned to CLWP to ensure communications interoperability.
Communications Department contact information:
Assistant Chief of Staff, N6 CIS
Phone: (65) 6750-2453
DSN: 315-421-2453
Deputy N6 CIS
Phone: (65) 6750-2598
DSN: 315-421-2598 |
EKMS Manager
Phone: (65) 6750-2920
DSN: 315-421-2920 |