Command Sponsorship Coordinator
Please click on this link to request a sponsor.
The Sponsorship Program was established in 1970 to assist Navy personnel and their families transferring overseas. In 1989 the program was expanded to include all Sailors during their transfer overseas and stateside. OPNAVINST 1740.3A
Command sponsor and indoctrination responsibilities begin upon the service member's receipt of orders and continue until the service member has become an integral member of the command and is fully cognizant of all policies, programs, services and responsibilities.
Effective Sponsorship
- First impressions are the lasting one and set the tone for an entire tour.
- Welcome Aboard letters to transferring personnel are prepared within 10 days of making initial contact.
- Sponsor training can be found at and the Fleet and Family Service Center.
The Sponsor
- Be of the same marital status as the prospective gain.
- Be at least the same pay grade or higher.
- Enthusiastic.
- Sustain superior performance.
- Positive attitude toward the Navy and COMLOG WESTPAC/CFT73.
- Will remain onboard for at least 6 months.
- Knowledgeable about available resources and command policies and procedures.
Guidelines for Sponsors
- Draw upon the knowledge gained from your own experience.
- Draw upon previous experiences with the sponsor program.
- Ask others who served as a sponsor for suggestions.
- Contact the person you are sponsoring as soon as possible via telephone, Naval message, the online Sponsor Forum, or any other reliable means.
- Write a “Welcome Aboard” letter and forward to Sponsor Coordinator.
- Provide member with appropriate command and personal contact information.
- Find out if member’s family will accompany them.
- Maintain contact, a minimum of once per month.
- Arrange lodging either at the barracks or hotel in local area.
- Assist member and family with settling in to include locations of interest such as places to eat.
- Provide base map and contact numbers for key command members.
- Schedule temporary transportation plan.
- Assist member with check-in.
- Your primary duty is assisting the member and their family with settling and adjusting to their new duty station.
Post Arrival
- Continue assisting over the first few weeks or month with other needs such as car registration, etc.
- Do everything possible to continue to help the new arrival "settle in".
Final Note
- Successful sponsorship is VITAL to establishing and maintaining a positive and successful tour at COMLOG WESTPAC/CTF73.